Paballo Noko pictures

Paballo Noko (born 13 February 2007) is a South African influencer, socialite, and content creator. She is best known for dating the Busta 929 after their affairs made headlines in 2022.

Noko has worked with many brands as an influencer. She creates content around fashion, beauty, hair, and health.

Paballo Noko
Paballo Noko biography
Paballo made headlines after opening up about her failed relationship with Busta 929.
Background Information
Real name:Paballo Noko
Born:13 February 2007 (age 16 years old)
Nationality:South African
Occupation:Influencer, socialite, content creator
Years active:2021-date
Partner:Busta 929

Early Life

Paballo Noko was born on 13 February 2007 and loved social media from a young age. 


The socialite dropped her first content on IG in January 2021. She has not backed down since then. She creates content that centers around herself and her own brand promotion. She has been consistent, which is enough inspiration to many South Africans.

Her content ranges from beauty, fashion, and hair to dance videos. She has posted dance videos she did alone and with people. Her video titled Cinderella reached over 600,000 views.

Many seasoned personalities, including influencers, have made remarks on her video. She has promoted several brands in the fashion industry.

Among others, she has influenced Indingo designs and Channel hair beauty. She has also promoted Kulture, Tecy Nails Beauty, and Hairlord Exclusive Salon.

Her content has been the backbone of her successful career as a socialite. Among her aims is to empower girls to rule the world through fashion.

Social Profile

As an influencer, having a perfect fashion sense is a priority, and Paballo Noko understands that. She posts pictures of her in several outfits by top designers such as Jeremiah Collections. She has worked with known brands in cosmetics and fashion.

Noko has steadily become one of the most followed social media influencers from South Africa. Her contents go viral and trigger engagements. A video of Paballo Noko getting chowed went viral in 2023.

Personal Life

Paballo Noko age
Paballo often appears in sultry wears.

Paballo Noko has been in several relationships, but dating Busta 929 gained the most attention. She dated him when she was 15 years old. She opened up about them during a sit-down interview on a podcast. 

The oldest man, Noko dated, turned 40 years old in 2023. Currently, her new boyfriend is a young man of 23 years old. The young socialite set the social media abuzz after posting her new Porsche. She has stretch marks around her bosom that many admire.

By Nomzamo Khoza

Nomzamo Khoza is a passionate writer and avid traveler. She has a degree in Political Science from a prestigious university, and has worked as a journalist since 2017. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, exploring new places.